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Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Professor Nick Makwana is a distinguished consultant paediatrician based in Birmingham, sp... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Reazioni allergiche
- Allergia pediatrica
- Pediatria
- Immunoterapia
- Eczema
- Allergia agli alimenti
- febbre da fieno
- Reazioni allergiche
- Allergia pediatrica
- Pediatria
- Immunoterapia
- Eczema
- Allergia agli alimenti
- febbre da fieno
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Nick Makwana is a distinguished consultant paediatrician based in Birmingham, specialising in child allergies, paediatrics, immunotherapy, eczema, food allergies, and hay fever. With over 2... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 30 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant paediatrician, Edgbaston Private Medical PracticeConsultant paediatrician, Consulting... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Professor Nick Makwana
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Professor Nick Makwana
38 Harborne Rd
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Dudley Rd, Birmingham
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Professor Nick Makwana
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Professor Nick Makwana is a distinguished consultant paediatrician based in Birmingham, specialising in child allergies, paediatrics, immunotherapy, eczema, food allergies, and hay fever. With over 25 years of experience, Professor Makwana has demonstrated expertise in providing comprehensive care for children with various medical needs.
He currently serves as a consultant paediatrician at Edgbaston Private Medical Practice, Consulting Rooms Birmingham, and the Birmingham Treatment Centre. His NHS practice is based at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust where he has led the development of a nationally recognised paediatric allergy service that sees over 3000 children per year.
Professor Makwana's academic journey began with an MBChB from the University of Birmingham in 1996. He furthered his education with a PCME from the University of Wolverhampton in 2004 before going on to graduate with an MD from the University of Liverpool in 2010. He then qualified as an Accredited European Paediatric Allergist through the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in 2016.
In addition to his clinical practice, Professor Makwana has made significant contributions to research and education. He has served as the Group Director for Women and Child Health at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals (2018) and Chair of the Paediatric Committee of BSACI (2021). He also serves as the Paediatric MBChB Curriculum Lead at the University of Birmingham since 2017. He has co-authored the national BSACI guidance on milk allergy and use of peanut immunotherapy. Professor Makwana's efforts have been recognised with accolades such as Fundraiser of the Year and being highly commended for the Excellence in Customer Care Award from the Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust.
Professor Makwana is dedicated to providing compassionate care and advancing the field of paediatrics. His unwavering commitment to his patients and contributions to medical education make him a highly respected figure in the healthcare community.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4279819
- Inglese
Professor Nick Makwana
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam is a highly-experienced consultant urologist based in Cambridge. He... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Incontinenza urinaria
- Infezione del tratto urinario
- stenosi uretrale
- Problemi della vescica
- Reversione della vasectomia
- Ipertrofia benigna della prostata
- Incontinenza urinaria
- Infezione del tratto urinario
- stenosi uretrale
- Problemi della vescica
- Reversione della vasectomia
- Ipertrofia benigna della prostata
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam is a highly-experienced consultant urologist based in Cambridge. He has a specialist interest in all aspects of urinary dysfunction and treatment, in addition to ben... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 30 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Urologist, Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital (present)Consultant Urologist, Cambridge Univ... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam
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Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam
30 New Rd, Impington
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Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam is a highly-experienced consultant urologist based in Cambridge. He has a specialist interest in all aspects of urinary dysfunction and treatment, in addition to benign prostate enlargement, vasectomy, and reverse vasectomy. Mr Thiruchelvam is celebrated for performing the first Urolift procedure in Cambridge, and runs a specialist vasectomy reversal clinic using microsurgical techniques. He enjoys excellent reviews from patients praising his clear explanations and high level of care and attention.
Originally qualifying from St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College in London, Mr Thiruchelvam pursued specialist training at leading centres of urological excellence including St. Bartholomew’s, the Royal London Hospital, Ipswich Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital. Over the course of his career Mr Thiruchelvam has secured multiple fellowships to travel to the USA and Australia, studying cutting edge techniques in treating prostate enlargement and urinary incontinence. He completed an MD in London, and was appointed Consultant Urologist at Cambridge University Hospitals in 2009.
Widely published in textbooks, patient guides, and peer-reviewed journals, Mr Thiruchelvam is highly-regarded for his extensive knowledge in the basic science of urology as well as surgical best practice. He is a significant contributor to NICE consultations, NHS Horizon Scanning documents, NICE Eyes on Evidence and NIHR Design for Dignity. Internationally, Mr Thiruchelvam is a co-author to the European Association of Urology Guidelines for Urinary Incontinence, invited faculty of European School of Urology and is regularly invited to lecture at urology conferences abroad and undertake Visiting Professorships.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4303941
- Inglese
Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Satinder Matharu is a highly experienced endodontist based in London. He was educated a... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
- Endodonzia
- Trattamento del canale radice
- Diagnosi del dolore dentale
- Apicectomia
- Endodonzia chirurgica
- Ritrattamento endodontico
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Satinder Matharu is a highly experienced endodontist based in London. He was educated at Marlborough and studied dentistry at Newcastle University, qualifying in 1989. He originally ran his own practice in Bond Street but... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 45 anni
Esperienza professionale
Specialist Endodontist, EndoCare 99 Harley St (present) Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Satinder Matharu
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Dr Satinder Matharu
99 Harley St, Marylebone
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Dr Satinder Matharu
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Satinder Matharu is a highly experienced endodontist based in London. He was educated at Marlborough and studied dentistry at Newcastle University, qualifying in 1989. He originally ran his own practice in Bond Street but realised he wanted to pursue his passion for endodontics - completing his MSc at the Eastman Dental Institute in 1999.
He holds a deep interest in teaching and the processes of learning in higher education, which has led him to become a part-time specialist clinical teacher at the King’s College and the Eastman, London. Dr Matharu is also an examiner for final BDS, and today works a London Endodontist at the award-winning Endocare where his skills in endodontics are appreciated by all.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 54224
- Inglese
Dr Satinder Matharu
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Mr Tarique Parwez is a highly respected and revered consultant trauma and orthopaedic surg... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Intervento di Protesi monocompartimentale o parziale di ginocchio (unicondilare)
- Protesi del ginocchio
- Frattura del ginocchio
- Ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore
- Ricambio dell'anca
- Lesioni sono danni
- Intervento di Protesi monocompartimentale o parziale di ginocchio (unicondilare)
- Protesi del ginocchio
- Frattura del ginocchio
- Ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore
- Ricambio dell'anca
- Lesioni sono danni
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Tarique Parwez is a highly respected and revered consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in total knee replacements, partial knee replacements, ... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 35 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Spire Harpenden Hospital (present)Consultant Trauma a... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Mr Tarique Parwez
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Mr Tarique Parwez
Ambrose Lane, Harpenden
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One medical house, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead Industrial Estate, Hemel Hempstead
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Care Of Luton & Dunstable Hospital/Lewsey Rd, Luton
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Hatfield Ave., Hatfield
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Mr Tarique Parwez
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Tarique Parwez is a highly respected and revered consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in total knee replacements, partial knee replacements, ACL reconstruction surgery, hip replacements, revision knee replacements, and common sports injuries. He is currently practising at the Spire Harpenden Hospital, OSD Healthcare, the One Hatfield Hospital, and The Cobham Clinic.
Mr Parwez, who also specialises in unicompartmental knee repalcement, surgical site infection, posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, posterolateral corner reconstruction, meniscal surgery, and collateral ligament reconstruction, successfully completed a basic surgical training rotation at Aberdeen Hospital and afterwards notably passed the FRCS Ed in 1996. Mr Parwez would also go on to complete the West Midlands Trauma and Orthopaedics Higher Surgical rotation between 1998 and 2004
During this time, Mr Parwez impressively completed a two-year part-time diploma in orthopaedic engineering, which he obtained from Cardiff University in 2001. He has published extensively in various different peer-reviewed publications, and continues to provide patients with excellent post-surgical outcomes.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4465261
- Inglese
Mr Tarique Parwez
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Shahla Ahmed is a leading consultant gynaecologist in London who holds a special intere... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Gravidanza ectopica
- Colposcopia
- Aborto spontaneo
- Ecografia transvaginale
- Ecografía
- Test di striscio anormale
- Gravidanza ectopica
- Colposcopia
- Aborto spontaneo
- Ecografia transvaginale
- Ecografía
- Test di striscio anormale
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Shahla Ahmed is a leading consultant gynaecologist in London who holds a special interest in early pregnancy assessment, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, emergenc... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 35 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, St Mary's Hospital (2007 - present) Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Shahla Ahmed
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Dr Shahla Ahmed
Praed Street, Paddington
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Dr Shahla Ahmed
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Shahla Ahmed is a leading consultant gynaecologist in London who holds a special interest in early pregnancy assessment, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, emergency gynaecology, and ultrasound. She is an expert in abnormal cervical smears and colposcopy, and menopause.
Dr Ahmed graduated from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine in 1987. She further gained her experience in obstetrics and gynaecology whilst training at Nottingham City Hospital, the National University Hospital in Singapore and St Mary’s Hospital in London where she now holds her private clinic. Dr Ahmed completed her thesis whilst studying the effects of HIV on the cervix at the Royal Free Hospital.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 3258796
- Inglese
- Malese
Dr Shahla Ahmed
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr John Whitaker is an esteemed honorary consultant in cardiology, electrophysiology,... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Aritmie
- Risonanza Magnetica cardiaca
- Chirurgia cardiaca valvolare
- Riabilitazione cardiologica
- Malattie ereditarie
- Tecniche mini invasive
- Aritmie
- Risonanza Magnetica cardiaca
- Chirurgia cardiaca valvolare
- Riabilitazione cardiologica
- Malattie ereditarie
- Tecniche mini invasive
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr John Whitaker is an esteemed honorary consultant in cardiology, electrophysiology, and devices at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, a role he has held since 2023. He is also a clinical... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 5 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic London Hospital.Honorary Consultant Cardiologist and... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr John Whitaker
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Dr John Whitaker
33 Grosvenor Place
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Dr John Whitaker
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr John Whitaker is an esteemed honorary consultant in cardiology, electrophysiology, and devices at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, a role he has held since 2023. He is also a clinical senior lecturer with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of heart arrhythmias, particularly ventricular arrhythmias. Dr Whitaker’s clinical practice focuses on the use of advanced technologies and imaging techniques for assessing structural heart features that predispose to arrhythmias, as well as innovative signal processing methods for intra-cardiac electrograms.
Dr Whitaker’s academic journey is marked by prestigious training and significant research contributions. He completed a post-Certificate of Completion of Training Fellowship in clinical cardiac electrophysiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School from 2020 to 2022. His earlier cardiology and electrophysiology training took place at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College London, complemented by a Medical Research Council Clinical Research Training Fellowship. His PhD in translational research at King’s College London focused on arrhythmia substrate assessment using advanced imaging techniques. Dr. Whitaker has also undertaken research fellowships in leading institutions such as Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School.
A recipient of numerous accolades, Dr Whitaker’s achievements include recognition for his research at the European Heart Rhythm Association and the Institute of Medical Ethics. His academic excellence during his studies at the University of Oxford and Cambridge earned him several awards, including the Margaret Harris Prize and the Helena McNally Prize. Outside of his clinical and academic work, Dr Whitaker is dedicated to advancing knowledge in electrophysiology through peer-reviewed publications and presentations at international scientific conferences.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6144352
- Inglese
Dr John Whitaker
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Jakub Lagan is a consultant cardiologist in Warrington who specialises in car... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Prova sotto sforzo
- Risonanza Magnetica cardiaca
- Ecocardiogramma
- Ecocardiogramma transesofageo
- Elettrocardiogramma
- TAC coronarica
- Prova sotto sforzo
- Risonanza Magnetica cardiaca
- Ecocardiogramma
- Ecocardiogramma transesofageo
- Elettrocardiogramma
- TAC coronarica
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Jakub Lagan is a consultant cardiologist in Warrington who specialises in cardiac imaging, cardiac computed tomography and stress Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 15 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant cardiologist, Venturi CardiologyConsultant cardiologist, Royal Liverpool University H... Mostrare di più
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Dr Jakub Lagan
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Dr Jakub Lagan
4, The Square, Birchwood Boulevard
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Dr Jakub Lagan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Jakub Lagan is a consultant cardiologist in Warrington who specialises in cardiac imaging, cardiac computed tomography and stress echocardiograms alongside cardiac magnetic resonance, CT coronary angiograms and echocardiograms. He privately practises at Venturi Cardiology while his NHS base is the Royal Liverpool University Hospital.
In his daily practice, he deals with all aspects of general cardiology and supervises cardiac computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography lists. He also coordinates imaging multidisciplinary meetings which are a forum to discuss challenging cardiac imaging cases.
Dr Lagan studied medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland and at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He was recognised as one of the top students in his cohort and was awarded academic scholarship for four consecutive years. He also received the Socrates/Erasmus Exchange Programme Scholarship which allowed him to study in Antwerp, Belgium. Already as a medical student, he developed a keen interest in cardiology, winning prizes at the Medical Students’ Conferences for his work on hypertension.
Dr Lagan underwent his general medical and cardiology training in Merseyside and developed his sub-specialty interest in cardiac imaging early on. He has worked and trained in many hospitals in the North West including Aintree University Hospital, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Countess of Chest Hospital, Arrowe Park Hospital, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital and Wythenshawe Hospital.
Dr Lagan has extensive expertise in all aspects of cardiac imaging and holds a variety of internationally recognised imaging accreditations including transthoracic echocardiography (BSE, British Society of Echocardiography), transoesophageal echocardiography (BSE, British Society of Echocardiography), cardiac computed tomography (SCCT, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography) and cardiac magnetic resonance (SCMR, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance). After completing his cardiac imaging training, he underwent additional three month long cardiac magnetic resonance fellowship at the internationally acclaimed Brompton Hospital in London.
Dr Lagan completed a four year long PhD programme in cardiac imaging at the University of Manchester. During that time, he was awarded a Clinical Pump-Priming Scholarship and he was a recipient of the Clinical Research Training Fellowship Grant from the British Heart Foundation (FS/17/47/32805). His research focused on links between a variety of cardiac and systemic conditions and cardiac inflammation. Dr Lagan has an extensive list of publications including eighteen articles in peer reviewed journals and nineteen abstracts. His research has been presented at a vast number of international conferences and has included sixteen poster presentations and nine oral presentations.
The largest trial Dr Lagan supervised enrolled over 600 patients and examined links between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure. His work was published in a high impact medical journal (JACC Cardiovascular Imaging), presented at the International SCMR Conference and it won the Clinical Early Career Award.
Dr Lagan also has a keen interest in medical education holding the Royal College of Physicians' 'Doctors as Educators' accreditation and being an associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 7023219
- Inglese
- Polacco
Dr Jakub Lagan
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu (Mari) is a leading London-based consultant upper GI and baria... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Chirurgia bariatrica
- Palloncino intragastrico
- Riparazione di ernia laparoscopica
- Laparoscopia urologica
- Chirurgia della cistifellea
- Riflusso gastrico
- Perdita di peso
- Chirurgia bariatrica
- Palloncino intragastrico
- Riparazione di ernia laparoscopica
- Laparoscopia urologica
- Chirurgia della cistifellea
- Riflusso gastrico
- Perdita di peso
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu (Mari) is a leading London-based consultant upper GI and bariatric surgeon. He sees patients at Infinity Surgery, Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 30 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (2019 - ... Mostrare di più
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Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu
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Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu
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Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu (Mari) is a leading London-based consultant upper GI and bariatric surgeon. He sees patients at Infinity Surgery, Nuffield Health - North Staffords, Rowley Hall Hospital and Spire Regency Hospital.
He is one of very few members of the renowned clinic, Infinity Surgery, and has a wide range of experience in general surgery, advanced laparoscopic surgery, antireflux surgery, gall bladder surgery and hernia surgery.
Mr Mari completed his surgical training in the West Midlands and holds a PhD from the University of Nottingham. He has been a consultant at the University Hospitals of North West Midlands since 2019 and has an active interest in clinical research.
Mr Mari has a special interest in implementing new technology into his practice, he has been researching into the use of endobariatrics and newer procedures with the help of the team at UHNM. He is passionate about maintaining his physical health and participates in marathons around the country.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6038096
- Inglese
- Tamil
- Telugu
Mr Kanagaraj Marimuthu
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Rakesh Patalay is a highly respected a consultant dermatologist and dermatological surg... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Carcinoma delle cellule basali
- Ripieni facciali
- Chirurgia laser
- chirurgia di Mohs
- Psoriasi
- Cancro alla pelle sul viso
- Carcinoma delle cellule basali
- Ripieni facciali
- Chirurgia laser
- chirurgia di Mohs
- Psoriasi
- Cancro alla pelle sul viso
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Rakesh Patalay is a highly respected a consultant dermatologist and dermatological surgeon based in Reading and London. He has over 20 years of experience and pos... Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 25 anni
Esperienza professionale
Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatology Surgeon, Derma Reading (present)Consultant Dermatologis... Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
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Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Dr Rakesh Patalay
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Dr Rakesh Patalay
Shepherds Hill, Woodley
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Dr Rakesh Patalay
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Rakesh Patalay is a highly respected a consultant dermatologist and dermatological surgeon based in Reading and London. He has over 20 years of experience and possesses expert knowledge in basal cell carcinoma, dermal fillers and laser surgery, alongside Mohs surgery, psoriasis and facial skin cancer.
Dr Patalay obtained his primary medical degree from the University of London in 1999. He is committed to medical eduation and research, having undertaken a Ph.D in optics and skin imaging from Imperial College London, focusing on develpment and clinical testing of skin imaging devices including mulitphoton microscopy, optoacoustic imaging and high frequency ultrasound.
He also pursued Mohs and cutaneous lasers fellowship at St John’s Institute of Dermatology, as well as an internship in applied biophotonics and laser dermatology at the prestigious Beckman Laser Institute, University of California Irvine, USA, both of which aided him to enhance and develop his surgical skills.
Dr Patalay takes a special interest in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment and believes strongly in the importance of individualised patient care. He is devoted to delivering an outstanding level of patient care, making patients feel comfortable during their treatment and reassuring them of any doubts that they may have.
Additionally, Dr Patalay enjoys sharing his medical knowledge with others, working as the clinical lead for the Diploma of Dermatology at Rila Institute of Health Sciences. He also trains junior doctors and consultants in skin cancer assessment and management, as well teaching advanced surgery skills at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.
He remains active in academic research and his worka have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and he co-authored he Cochrane Review for the Use of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy (RCM) in skin cancer. Furthermore, Dr Patalay is a member of several medical organisations, including the British Society of Dermatology Surgery and the Royal College of Physicians.
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Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 4626136
- Inglese
Dr Rakesh Patalay
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine?
Dr Antonios Vlismas is the Medical Director at TFP Thames Valley Fertility and a highly ex... Mostrare di più
Esperto in:
- Infertilità
- Tecniche di riproduzione assistita
- Fertility Treatment
- Fecondazione in vitro (FIV)
- Ecografía
- Aborto spontaneo
- Infertilità
- Tecniche di riproduzione assistita
- Fertility Treatment
- Fecondazione in vitro (FIV)
- Ecografía
- Aborto spontaneo
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Antonios Vlismas is the Medical Director at TFP Thames Valley Fertility and a highly experienced Mostrare di più
Risultati del processo di selezione
Anni di esperienza
Più di 25 anni
Esperienza professionale
Medical director and consultant gynaecologist and fertility specialist, TFP Thames Valley Mostrare di più
Valutazioni dei pazienti
Questo dottore non è ancora stato valutato
Assicurazioni mediche accettate
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Connessione con agenda in corso...
Dr Antonios Vlismas
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Connessione con agenda in corso...
Dr Antonios Vlismas
Ground Floor, Clarion House, Norreys Drive
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Top Doctors
Dr Antonios Vlismas
Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine
Dr Antonios Vlismas is the Medical Director at TFP Thames Valley Fertility and a highly experienced consultant gynaecologist and fertility specialist. He specialises in infertility, assisted reproductive technology and fertility treatments alongside in vitro fertilisation (IVF), ultrasound and miscarriage.
Dr Vlismas completed his medical education at Sofia Medical University in 1998, followed by advanced training in obstetrics and gynaecology at the University of Athens. During his time there, he developed a keen interest in fertility and recurrent miscarriage, leading to his PhD on the aetiology of recurrent miscarriage and implantation failure.
In 2007, Dr Vlismas began specialising in fertility and assisted conception, gaining valuable experience at the Centre for Reproductive Medicine at Bart's Hospital and later at Hammersmith Hospital and Boston Place Clinic. Throughout his career, he has managed complex fertility cases, with particular expertise in egg collection, embryo transfers and tailoring fertility treatments to the specific needs of his patients.
As a strong advocate for evidence-based, personalised care, Dr Vlismas takes a compassionate approach, guiding his patients through every step of their fertility journey. He's certified by the British Fertility Society in pelvic ultrasound, embryo transfers and assisted conception, and has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and frequently presents at international conferences.
Dr Vlismas is a member of both the British Fertility Society (BFS) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
* Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Curriculum e risultato del processo di selezione
Nº albo dei medici: 6074985
- Inglese